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Creation of abstract Desktop pictures


To create abstract pictures, the possibilities are countless.  You can start with an unique color image, with a linear gradient of colors, a circular gradient of colors or even with a photograph.

Depending on what you will use to start with, you may apply different functions like bluring a part, sharpening another part,  brightening or enhancing the contrast.

Many graphic tools will let you apply special functions like edge detection engraving, mosaic or applying a motion effect.

An often used effect is to duplicate the image 3 times and to apply a rotation of 90, 180 and 270 degrees.  Then to stick them together in order to obtain a symetrical figure.

Some nice results can be obtained by applying special functions like circular distortion, fisheye effect, marble structure,  sine vawe distortion, whirling effect, twisting effect or creating a seamlesss edge.

Creating a seamless edge will allow you to use the created image as a background which will be appended together many times  in order to cover a large surface and to give the illusion that the whole background is one big image without seams.

Don't use too much of these effects on one image. It may just get ugly. Use them with parsimony.

Store intermediate states often. I can't emphasize enough on this point. Store, store and store.  You may want to get back later on some intermediate state and start from that point into a new direction.

At "Wallpaper for computer", all the abstract pictures are selfmade.

At our sister site FaunaFloraWallpaper.com you will find Animal, flower and nature Wallpaper.
Wallpaper featuring animals, flowers, nature at FaunaFloraWallpaper.com

At our sister site FreeWallpaperPic.com you will find Art, sights, space, transport Wallpaper.
Wallpaper featuring art, historical pictures, space, sights, transport and people at FreeWallpaperPic.com

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